Grow your institution with these honest, unbiased, and comprehensive guides.
Discover 100+ additional articles on over a dozen topics at GreenProfit Learning Library!
Ultimate Guide to Vehicle Service Contract Programs eBook
You know they work. Yet how many auto loans have them? Too few, right? Did you know a leading cause of auto loan defaults is mechanical failure the member couldn’t afford to fix? And the average person cannot afford the average repair? Nothing average about that challenge.
We’ll review essential steps for success and uncover the “secret” 3rd revenue stream dealers have been using for decades. Combining complete member satisfaction with revenue growth, this eBook will help your credit union make VSC a common part of your auto lending channel.
Essential Guide to Checking for Banks & Credit Unions eBook
Your credit union members and bank customers love your free checking. Right? Many do. Others are looking for more value. Even if they pay for it. And if they don’t find it with you, they’re off to emerging fin-techs or other credit unions. Keep members close while generating massive revenues. Learn how in this must-read eBook.
Ultimate Guide to Guaranteed Asset Protection eBook
How’s auto lending doing? Whether your answer is “not bad”, “great”, or “could be better”, there are risks that may be lurking unseen. In fact, a portion of your current portfolio may be underwater!
Some things our research discovered:
- 100% LTV is just the start
- GAP claims up over 50% in just one year
- Shorted GAP claims are a possibility, depending on your current terms
- Depreciation rates on certain classes of cars have doubled
Learn how you can spot these potential issues, prevent losses for your credit union and members, while building new income sources.
Ultimate Guide to Online Car Buying Services eBook
You’ve got a car buying service. Right? Because if you don’t, members are going somewhere else. And you don’t know.
Have one? Great! Are you using it to maximum benefit? Perhaps. This eBook gives you everything you need to know so you can connect with members before they buy. While providing them with exclusive discounts, time-saving tools, and more.
Your car buying service is a membership benefit. Treat it as such!
All educational materials developed and published by GreenProfit Solutions, Inc.